Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) - A process of instruction, prayer, and fellowship which welcomes adults into full participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. OCIA was established to prepare those who have not been baptized, or those who have been baptized in other Christian traditions, for full reception into the Catholic Church. It is also intended for adults who have been baptized Catholic but have not received the initiation sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. The program has a two-fold purpose. The first is to learn how the Catholic Church combines Sacred Scripture, Church teachings, and Church traditions to form a rich environment that challenges each of us into a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Secondly, each person is prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism (if needed), Confirmation, and Eucharist.
OCIA 2025 - The new OCIA term for 2025 preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation will start on September 3, 2024. If you know of anyone contemplating joining the Catholic Church, please encourage them to make the final step and complete an application. If you are an Uncatechized Catholic, meaning you’ve only been Baptized, please come into the program to complete the journey into full integration into the faith. For all those “Seasoned Catholics” that love the Faith, and want to share your love and knowledge, please come join us a Sponsor. Even if you feel you don’t know enough, or you missed some teachings over the years, OCIA is the place to be. We have numerous Catholics that attend as an Audit.
For anyone wishing to enter the OCIA program, or for any Catholics wanting to finish the Catechization process, and in need of a Declaration of Nullity, please start the process immediately. The Diocese process is very lengthy and the sooner we start the process, the higher the chance of completing it in time for the Easter Vigil. If you fall in this area, please contact Deacon Dorsey immediately. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Larkin @ 915-540-8213, [email protected].